Artwork Requirements
When submitting files which have not been produced by Epic Print & Design, we require the following:
Acceptable/Preferred File Types: PDF (Adobe Acrobat), Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
When supplying Illustrator/InDesign files, please make sure that these are packaged/saved correctly together with all the fonts and links that appear in your document.
Fonts: All fonts should be converted to paths/curves when exporting to PDF in case of font substitution.
Bleed and Cropping: Should your design have “bleed”, we require a minimum of 5mm all around.
You are welcome to bring your artwork to us on a flash drive. Alternatively, you can email it to us, or, for larger files, share your artwork via Dropbox. We can then present you with proofs and we can take it from there!
Please note: When making use of our design service, it is important that you receive a copy of the final artwork! Please ask the designer assisting you to ensure that you receive proofs on completion of the job.
Please note that we do NOT accept artwork created/sent to us in the following formats:
MS Word 2013
MS Excel 2013
PowerPoint 2013
Publisher 2013
The above programs are not suitable for design and frequently cause problems such as:
Shifting of text
Shifting of objects
Line spacing/pagination errors
Font substitution which, in most instances, occurs without warning in MS Word, Excel, etc